For some people in Beverly Hills, getting a facelift is an unnecessary procedure that reeks of vanity. However, more and more people are getting the procedure, and some of their reasons undeniably go deeper than the skin. Here are two of the main ones:
To increase self-esteem:
Years of hard work and worry will take its toll on a person’s face, and the resulting tired look can make a person feel bad about themselves. A face lift is an opportunity to rejuvenate one’s appearance, thus helping them gain more confidence and improving the way they see themselves.

As a way to move forward:
A great example for this is when someone is going through a divorce. The emotional damage of such a traumatic life event can manifest in one’s facial features, etching the stress and pressure of the separation which can be harder to remove as time goes by. The psychological boost from getting a face lift can help a person move on, giving them a chance at starting over again.
Similar to losing weight, exercising, and quitting smoking, a face lift is simply an option that one can take on the path to self-improvement. In fact, many patients profess to experiencing positive feelings after the surgery. More than vanity, a face lift is a way to enhance one’s well-being, allowing people to recover their self-confidence and move forward with their lives.