You don’t have to be a Hollywood actress to recognize the stunning beauty and grace that younger looking skin can give. Unfortunately, the busy lifestyle of today, coupled with the air pollution in many big cities could really take a huge toll on your skin’s health and lead to visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and age spots. Thus, it’s no wonder so many women opt to get facelift surgery to look young again.

What it is

Essentially, facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess facial skin, and redraping it on the patient’s face and neck. This is only the general idea of the treatment though, as there are many surgical procedures that might cause some of its elements to vary. Facelifts are often combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures like eyelid surgery for better results.

What it does

A facelift procedure mainly removes visible signs of aging, which can include deep creases below the eyelids, sagging in the midface, loss of muscle tone, fallen or misplaced fat in the face, or loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw. Know though, that while this procedure can make you look younger, it is in no way meant to change your fundamental appearance, nor is it aimed at halting the aging process.