Liquid facelifts have revolutionized the world of cosmetics. Many female and even male adults prefer liquid facelifts to achieve their longed-for looks. The procedure is minimally invasive, takes effect faster, appears subtler and more natural, cuts recovery time, and can be done at low cost. Because you may have to get multiple treatments (varying around 6 month to two year intervals), you can opt out of the treatment anytime.

Do not confuse liquid facelifts with anti-aging creams and lotions, which do not always (if at all) firm and lift the skin. Rather, liquid facelifts involve the use of injectable fillers underneath wrinkles or saggy surfaces on the face. Local anesthetics are applied so you don’t feel any pain as the injections are being applied. 
Botox, the most popular among injected liquid agents, fill creased areas and erase fine lines by making the skin tauter. Along with similar products, Botox also immobilizes the facial muscles to help tone the area. A little bit goes a long way with Botox; your doctor would determine the right dose to achieve optimal, natural-looking aesthetic results without sacrificing your comfort.

Aside from Botox, other natural substances are being used as injectable fillers. Generally, these dermal fillers become a cushion on facial parts that have weak muscle tone or displaced fat. Examples are hyaluronic acid fillers, collagen and collagen stimulators, and transplanted fat.