May 13, 2014

To this day, mother-daughter bonding over plastic surgery continues. It is a trend that many women can understand and relate to. After all, making the decision to undergo plastic surgery is not easy; and often, a candidate will be spending agonizing moments weighing the pros and the cons. Having someone close to her, like a mother or a daughter, as she goes through those moments, can ease the stress and provide her with the much needed emotional and moral support.The needs of mothers and daughters may be different, particularly if they belong to...

Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 by Unknown

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May 12, 2014

Liquid facelifts have revolutionized the world of cosmetics. Many female and even male adults prefer liquid facelifts to achieve their longed-for looks. The procedure is minimally invasive, takes effect faster, appears subtler and more natural, cuts recovery time, and can be done at low cost. Because you may have to get multiple treatments (varying around 6 month to two year intervals), you can opt out of the treatment anytime. Do not confuse liquid facelifts with anti-aging creams and lotions, which do not always (if at all) firm and lift...

Posted on Monday, May 12, 2014 by Unknown

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Dr. Davis Nguyen, a Beverly Hills facelift doctor, is offering a 20% reduction on his clinic’s medical spa services and skin care products. For a limited time, the practice will designate certain days as “Spa Days” when people can take advantage of the aforementioned price reduction. Interested parties must call 310.550.0288 to set an appointment beforehand.The offer extends to services like their fractional CO2 and Erbium laser resurfacing treatments which improve the tone texture, and color of the skin. The practice’s breakthrough VI Peel (and...

Posted on Monday, May 12, 2014 by Unknown

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